
Red Seal Zen 20pk

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Red Seal Zen 20pk
A relaxing herbal blend that includes St John’s Wort and Zinc, to help you achieve a moment of “zen” in your busy day.

Common Uses

Relaxation and mood support


Place the bag in your favourite cup. Add boiling water and in 3-5 minutes you'll achieve maximum extraction and enjoyment. Whilst we know it is delicious, please limit yourself to less than 10 cups a day.

Ingredients Per Dose

St John's Wort (53.2%), Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Passionflower herb, Flavour, Zinc gluconate (3.2%), Passionfruit juice granules (2%), Steviolglycosides.

Safety Information

Red Seal Zen contains St John's Wort and Zinc. If you're taking any prescription medicines, consult your doctor before brewing. Not recommended for expectant mums or children.
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