
Red Seal Cleanse 20pk

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Red Seal Cleanse 20pk
For centuries, Milk Thistle has been used during periods of body cleansing, and Selenium is known to protect cells from some types of free radical damage. Together, they are the ideal blend to help you kick-start a healthy day.

Common Uses

Cleanse Digestive Support


Place the bag in your favourite cup. Add boiling water and in 3-5 minutes you'll achieve maximum extraction and enjoyment. Whilst we know it is delicious, please limit yourself to less than 10 cups a day.

Ingredients Per Dose

Peppermint (27.3%), Spearmint (27%), Orange leaves, Milk thistle (10%), Dandelion root, Artichoke leaves, Steviolglycosides, Maltodextrin, Flavour, Sodium citrate, Sodium Selenite (0.0026%).

Safety Information

Red Seal Cleanse contains Milk Thistle and Selenium. If you're taking any prescription medicines, consult your doctor before brewing. Not recommended for expectant mums or children.
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